Writing Samples

Review in Polish journal Tygodnik Powszechny: Jest w tej książce wszystko: i historia, i kultura, i portrety ważnych postaci wywodzących się z tej wyspy. This book has everything: history, culture, portraits of important figures from this island, and the landscape

Full review at Tygodnik Powszechny

21st Show: Illinois Public Radio: Filmmaker and journalist team up on new crime thriller novel set in Illinois

"Disturbing the Bones” is the name of a new novel set in Illinois. It’s part crime story and part geopolitical thriller. The book is a collaboration between film director Andrew Davis and journalist Jeff Biggers.
Both men are sons of Illinois. Davis was raised in Chicago, and went on to direct big Hollywood films such as “The Fugitive,” “Under Siege,” and “Holes.” Along the way he worked with luminaries such as Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones, Kneau Reeves and Morgan Freeman, and Michael Douglas and Gwynyth Paltrow, and others. Jeff Biggers is also from Illinois — though at the opposite end of the state. He’s written at least 10 books, including “Resistance: Reclaiming an American Tradition,” and “Reckoning at Eagle Creek: The Secret Legacy of Coal in the Heartland.”

Davies and Biggers discuss their experience working together and how "Disturbing the Bones" came into fruition on the 21st today.

Full story: https://will.illinois.edu/21stshow/story/filmmaker-and-journalist-team-up-on-new-crime-thriller-novel-set-in-illinois

INDIEWIRE: The Director of ‘The Fugitive’ Returns to What He Does Best — but Not on the Big Screen

“Now, Davis, best known for his 1993 classic “The Fugitive,” has a new story about the threat of nuclear catastrophe that’s as provocative and exciting as any of his previous work. This time, however, his manner of expression has taken … Continue reading

ABC TV Chicago: Filmmaker Andrew Davis debuts first thriller novel ‘Disturbing the Bones’

CHICAGO (WLS) — Chicago’s Andrew Davis is an acclaimed director, best known for films like “The Fugitive” and “Under Siege.” Now, he’s debuting his first novel, destined to be a screen thriller. The filmmaker says “Disturbing the Bones” is a story … Continue reading

Chicago Tribune: Andrew Davis gave us “The Fugitive,” now be brings forth a novel, “Disturbing the Bones”

Full story: https://www.chicagotribune.com/2024/10/15/andrew-davis-the-fugitive-disturbing-the-bones/ “Though he is rightly acclaimed for his “visual “accomplishments, which include directing abunch of successful movies, especially “The Fugitive,” I was holding in my hands a book“Disturbing the Bones,” and on its cover was his name, along … Continue reading

In Sardinia in New York: Italics CUNY TV Program

In our upcoming episode, we visit The Center at West Park’s Sanctuary Space for the concert and performance “In Sardinia in New York”. The event features the Polyphonic Pauliccu Mossa Choir Of Bonorva, Sardinia, along with American playwright and journalist Jeff Biggers, known for his book “In Sardinia”. Before the performance we talked to curator and creative producer from Sardinia, Valeria Orani and to Jeff Biggers

Disturbing the Bones, Starred Review, Publishers Weekly

Global peace struggles collide with intimate family drama in this thrillingly cinematic collaboration between The Fugitive director Davis and journalist Biggers (In Sardinia). During an archaeological dig in Alexander County, Ill., in which ambitious young scientist Molly Moore uncovers ancient villages dating … Continue reading

TLS review of In Sardinia: Times Literary Supplement in London: “Much more than a travelogue, In Sardinia is compendious and evocative.”

In Brief|In Brief Review Outpost of isolation The history of an island with ‘no history’ By Jonathan Buckley The Sardinia of D. H. Lawrence’s Sea and Sardinia (1921) is a squalid place, despite the exemplary masculinity of its men and the savage beauty … Continue reading

Foreword Review: In Sardinia “Delightful travelogue.”

Jeff Biggers’s In Sardinia is a story about becoming enchanted by an Italian island—its history, customs, literature, art, ancient archaeological sites, and heroes and legends too. Biggers regards Sardinia as one of Italy’s most complex and beguiling regions. Years after his first … Continue reading